Discover the Owly* Suite

OwlyScan will discover things you never knew you made public.

OwlyCheck ensures that your Business and Industrial data comply with expectations.

Owly* is a range of defensive cybersecurity products focused on Darknet web crawling and ensuring data conformity.


The Darknet Search Engine for Companies

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Fraud Detection and Data Conformity

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What we have discovered on the Darknet with OwlyScan
SBF 120
100% of French companies listed on the SBF120 are mentioned on the Darknet
Darknet Resources
OwlyScan has indexed hundreds of millions of resources on the Darknet, including the contents of archives.
Industrial Companies
Industrial companies make up a high proportion of cyberattack victims, given their valuable secrets and data.

Enhancing Data Protection

SitinCloud is a specialized company led by a team of researchers in mathematics and computer science, dedicated to defending and protecting the knowledge and digital assets of its clients. Currently, we are focusing on two complementary aspects of cybersecurity related to data protection:
1. The identification of data breaches, particularly their presence on the Darknet, in order to prevent and respond swiftly to any unwanted exposure.
2. Data compliance, to ensure data integrity and authenticity. This is crucial in both business and financial environments (e.g., ERP systems) and industrial settings (e.g., Industrial Internet of Things or IIOT).

SitinCloud is a member of GICAT, the French Land and Air-Land Defense and Security Industries Association.